Do you travel?

Yes, I am based out of Omaha, Nebraska and I do travel.

Is there a deposit to save my Wedding date?

Yes, I require a $50 non-refundable deposit to save your date. This fee will be charged when you turn in your contract.

Should I book a trial before my Wedding Day?

Ultimately the decision is up to you, having a trial done is the best way to see how my products work for you, also to find the perfect look and color palette you’d like to have.

Is it okay to have a spray tan prior?

Yes, if you are having a spray tan done, make sure to do your skin exfoliation before hand on both face and body. This will ensure your spray tan lasts, looks even, and your face is primed for your makeup services. Don’t forget to moisturize!

Do you do partial makeup? (example: just the eyes?)

I no longer do partial makeup applications.

What is your travel fee?

For Services completed in Omaha, Ne there is no required travel fee. For services outside of Omaha there is a $1 travel fee per mile round trip. If a location is given a travel quote can be given on request.

What payment options are available?

I accept cash, Venmo, PayPal, as well as Debit/Credit cards.

Should I tip?

This is a service based profession, although gratuity is not required, it is appreciated. My goal is to make you feel and look amazing and if you are satisfied with your service you are welcome to add gratuity.

Is there anything I can do before my makeup service?

Yes, gentle exfoliation and moisturizing leading up to your appointment will improve your skins texture. Also hydrate hydrate hydrate! Drinking plenty of water is crucial in radiant looking skin.

How long will it take to complete us all?

On average/depending on the desired look one makeup application can take 30-45 minutes. Multiply that by your party number and divide by 60 min.

Do I need a 2nd makeup artist?

Depending on time and location a 2nd makeup artist may be needed. Typically I am able to cover up to 6 or 7 makeup applications. There has been times where I completed 12.

I do know several artists that I can contact or you are free to find another as well.

How should I prepare for my makeup service?

Please come with a freshly washed face, with no makeup, and if you choose to moisturize please use an oil free moisturizer, as oils can break down your makeup.

Does prior skin care help before receiving makeup services?

Yes, Proper skin care is highly important in how the makeup sits and looks on the skin. Finding an esthetician for your skin care can help set you up for success. Changes in the skin may take up to a year or longer, so if you’re considering visiting an esthetician it’s best sooner than later.

When should our start time be?

Typically there is a photographer for most weddings, if you are having getting ready photos taken it is best to ask them their time to be ready by or decide if you want during the process photos.

If the photographer will arrive after to take photos, that is typically the best time to finish getting ready to keep things moving.